We offer a GraphQL API 🤓
PS: We also have a Norwegian version of this article.
Our API is user-based, so you access the API as the user you are in Luca. Your integration will then have the same rights as the user you are logged in as. If you want your integration to have limited rights, you can create a new user with those rights.
We have two ways to provide access
Method 1, with a direct key, is the simplest and works well when:
Method 2, with OAuth2, is slightly more complicated to implement, and is best in those cases where the user himself should set up an integration you have created.
To turn on the API for a user with a direct key, do the following
Oauth2 setup is described in own article (in Norwegian)
The GraphQL API can be found at /api/v1/graphql
(eg https://go.lucaregnskap.no/api/v1/graphql
for production access). You have to set the header Authorization
to be Bearer JWT_TOKEN
where JWT_TOKEN is the token created in step 2.
Now you should be able to run:
{ saleInvoices { nodes { id } } }
You can use GraphQL’s built-in documentation server. Most API tools support this, e.g. in Insomnia, press the schema button to pull up the documentation after you’ve set up:
Contact support@lucalabs.com if you want to have access to our test server.
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